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Zamek w Krasiczynie




The castle in Krasiczyn is a historic castle, which is an excellent example of the Renaissance-Mannerist style. The construction of the castle began at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries on the initiative of the Przemyśl castellan Stanisław Sieciński. An interesting architectural element of the castle are its four different corner towers, each of which has a unique name and symbolism: Divine, Papal, Royal and Noble. The castle is also surrounded by a picturesque park, which is its integral part and complements its charm.


The castle in Krasiczyn has a rich history dating back to the third quarter of the 16th century. Jakub of Siecin of the Rogala coat of arms, who was the progenitor of the Krasicki family, built a wooden and brick fortalice on a quadrangle plan at that time. This fortalice included a brick gate (still located in the northern wing of the castle), a wooden manor house and earth ramparts and moats.

Around 1580-1590, Przemyśl castellan Stanisław Sieciński, who after founding the city took the surname Krasicki, initiated the construction of a brick castle on a quadrangular plan, with four corner towers. The castle was surrounded by ponds, which additionally increased its defensive values. A residential wing was built along the wall on the eastern side, and the palace was surrounded by floodwaters from the north and west, which increased its defensive capabilities.


Stanisław Krasicki was also the founder of a nearby town, which was established in the years 1615-1620.

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